Black Sand filmmaking . animation . narrative design
LAST YEAR AT THE OLD ROYAL HAWAIIAN feature film a metamodern parable
HOUSE OF THE SHARK feature film kaipo and his mom live in honolulu - damn kid is growing up fast
SPIRAL JUNGLE novel & graphic novel mnemo-navigator estrella kuemanu takes a dive into the past
CANE CUTTN CINEMA documentary feature film the cinematic journey of a hawaiian filmmaker
HONOLULU QUIET CITY documentary short film a tone poem from the year before covid
POEM OF PEACE a tribute film to braddah chris and unko john victorino oluhaakekulanaohalemano kahawai
MANGO DREAMS a short film within a film a dream along kanewai stream and waikīkī beach
CINEMATOGRAPHE PROJECT a short homage film shot in the itinerant camera style of the lumiére brothers
MAHINA LANI a short road trip film from wahiawā heights to waikīkī (filmed in los angeles)
HOUSE OF THE SHARK feature film kaipo and his mom live in honolulu - damn kid is growing up fast
SPIRAL JUNGLE novel & graphic novel mnemo-navigator estrella kuemanu takes a dive into the past
CANE CUTTN CINEMA documentary feature film the cinematic journey of a hawaiian filmmaker
HONOLULU QUIET CITY documentary short film a tone poem from the year before covid
POEM OF PEACE a tribute film to braddah chris and unko john victorino oluhaakekulanaohalemano kahawai
MANGO DREAMS a short film within a film a dream along kanewai stream and waikīkī beach
CINEMATOGRAPHE PROJECT a short homage film shot in the itinerant camera style of the lumiére brothers
MAHINA LANI a short road trip film from wahiawā heights to waikīkī (filmed in los angeles)